
Research at the ICGI

The ICGI has a strong focus on the diagnosis and prognosis of cancer. Our strength is Nucleomics and our research and development benefit from close collaboration with the clinical environment at the intersection of informatics, genetics and medicine.


The majority of the research, diagnosis and development performed at the ICGI is based on Nucleomics (nuclei imaging and analysis). Therefore, we have invested heavily in microscope systems, image scanners and computers with an emphasis on automation, high throughput, and high performance computing and storage capacity. We have three automatic full-slide image scanners, seven fully automated high-resolution light microscopy systems for image analysis, one metaphase scanner, three FISH microscopes and two light microscopes for karyotyping, and a state-of-the-art confocal microscope, in addition to a large storage area network (SAN) with a current capacity of 260 TB. We have a total of 13 laboratories with standard equipment for histology, IHC, FISH, PCR, and CGH. Almost all major acquisitions are funded either through collaborations with the industry or through external research funds. The major challenge is obtaining funds for upgrades and replacement of existing equipment, which amounts to approximately 4-5 million NOK per year. Our annual budget is approximately 50 million NOK.

The ICGI works in close collaboration with the clinic and can therefore utilize available patient materials and information as well as expert knowledge of clinical aspects of different cancers. Being a part of the Centre for Cancer Biomedicine (CCB), allows the ICGIaccess to a wide range of research tools and equipment. The ICGI also has a formalized collaboration with the Institute of Informatics at the University of Oslo, where both their competence and equipment, including their high performance computing facility, are available to us.


Our strategy requires an interdisciplinary approach and a close collaboration among scientists, technologists and clinicians. Our basic research strategy is to focus on Nucleomics, our innovation strategy is focused on microscopy-based image analysis, and our overall goal is to enable better cancer treatment through new methods for improved diagnosis and prognosis of cancer.

Our goal is not to follow the trends and developments in the field of cancer research, but rather to make an original contribution to the field. There is nothing in our approach that conflicts with current knowledge or trends, it is merely a difference in choice of the depth of resolution one decides on when studying genetic and epigenetic changes during carcinogenesis.

The Institute’s close collaboration with the clinic, its interdisciplinary approach in the intersection of computer science, biology and medicine, and innovative development of new research tools created in cooperation with the industry, all come together to form a unique set of strengths.

We perform original research, which spans all the way from the original idea, through analysis and software development, to publications, patent applications, product development and clinical implementation (e.g. DNA ploidy).

This text was last modified: 27.02.2023

Chief Editor: Tarjei S. Hveem, Interim Institute Director
Copyright Oslo University Hospital. Visiting address: The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Ullernchausséen 64, Oslo.